What are your favorite educational sites? I bet you’ve got a nice collection of really great sites bookmarked. Do you feel like sharing? This week, I want to do a roundup of all the ways you can share your favorite sites with the rest of my readers. We’d love to have you join “our conversation.” Won’t you consider it?
First (and this one is my favorite), if you have an entire set of educational and family-oriented bookmarks you are willing to share, please join us at SharingLinks.com. You can use the invite code “betatest” to join.
If you have a 4th of July site, submit it at IndependenceDayFun.com. If you have a Halloween site, submit it at FunHalloween.net. If you have a Thanksgiving site, submit it at ThanksgivingFun.net. If you have a Christmas site, submit it at SantaClausFun.com.
Or, last but no least, educational sites on any K-12 topic, can be submitted one at a time at Surfnetkids.com.
Oops. Error was ours. Should be all fixed now.
Thanks for letting me know.
I tried twice to leave a july 4th page link, but each time I send it, an error message appears.
What can I be doing wrong, or is it a problem on your end??