This is a big milestone year for our family, as back-to-school means sending our youngest daughter across the country (from San Diego to Boston) for her first year at college. We are busy buying dorm supplies (we “HEART” Bed Bath & Beyond’s college program), booking airline tickets (we already have her Thanksgiving trip booked!) and figuring out what to do about her computer.
E has very little space left on the hard drive of her Macbook, so I am going to get one of those tiny (but humongous) external hard drives. Then, she’ll have to offload some of her photos and some of her music. I know she doesn’t like the idea of not having all her “stuff” on one computer, but I figure that no matter how large of a built-in hard drive she has, eventually her photo and music files will grow even bigger!
So what does back-to-school mean for you this year? Whether you are a teacher or a parent, I would love to hear your back-to-school rituals and any special tips you’d care to share.
P.S. The Bed Bath & Beyond college program lets parents and college students shop locally, and then pick up their order in their college town. It eliminates shipping fees, and enables students to actually see the stuff in person (instead of just buying it online, and having it shipped to your destination.) The in-store shopping is done with a wand. Want that purple pillow? Just scan it with your wand. Oops! Made a mistake? Just run the wand over the “cancel that” code. Fun, well-implemented and very practical.
I always have a happy sad felling, happy that the kids are leaving the house, to get rid of the mess. and Sad that I have to encounter the hustle and bustle in traffic, and school requirements etc.
All my boys are out of school completely
going back to school means very busy, very noisy but its make me happy too
Going back to school means for me a full class of 3 yrs old mixed with 4 and 5s I know it will be challenging. I’m a preschool teacher in the state of Alaska
I am excited about this school year. I was given the opportunity to teach American Sign Language all day. In addition, the students have not seen a program I created for them to learn how to sign. This program is for anyone to learn how to sign. The website address is . Last year, I used my program, and the students LOVED it. I am looking forward to seeing their faces when I show them this tool.
When summer begins, I make a list of the four things I really, really want to do during the next two months. Well, I have a month to go and I have done three out of the four things already. I’m almost ready to start the new school year. Oh yes, I’m a preschool teacher!
Going back to school means bouncing back to a year full of activity and fun.
I am a Science Instructional Specialist at a Title I school in Houston, Texas. I retired once, subbed, and then got this incredible offer to teach all the kids in the school in two Science labs, one for the primary, and the other for secondary. I will probably never retire again!!!
Going back to school for me means new shoes and a new teacher bag to hold all my good junk. I take it to my church in late August for a blessing, and I am ready!