Tell me I’m not the only mother who eats leftover breakfast food off her children’s plates after they’ve gone to school. When I cook them breakfast on school days, I don’t eat with them. I’m too rushed to get them out the door. But when I return from carpool, and sit down to work, I will graze by their plates (yup, nobody has put them in the dishwasher!) and eat the cold remains of their used-to-be-hot breakfast.
I just finished the grapefruit juice my son left this morning Then, it hit me: my son was home from school yesterday with a sore throat! Why do I do this?
I don’t know why you do this, but I do know that I do it too – and often I enjoy it! I’ll even re-heat a half eaten soggy frozen waffle! Little forbidden treats. I do want to say that I felt much better knowing that I wasn’t alone. I think I will do it proudly – maybe even put all the leftovers together on a new plate with a fresh garnish for pizzazz! Thank you for sharing your tale!
My excuse is that as a child it was inbrained in me not to waste food. Therefore I eat leftovers. Even now that our children are grown and we are working on grand-children, my husband has more than once reminded me that I don’t need to finish his plate, or cut up his food 🙂 It’s a mommy thing and I think we all have done it and probably still do it.
Lot’s of good fortune in the new year
June in SoCal
Waste not want not. Iy’s much eaiser for me to finish whats left on their plates. Most of the time it’s hardly touched.
Because, if we took the time to prepare another meal for ourselves we could never get it all done We are women, here us ROAR;)
I’ve been there, and would like to think I do it as part of “reduce, reuse, recycle.” We all know that “recycle” is the weakest third of those actions, and eating leftovers does reduce food waste, and reuse resources. I’m now eating the leftover half of my grandson’s peanut butter sandwich after years of eating food from my own children’s plates. I was raised to “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” On the other hand, my 92-year-old neighbor, who lived through the Depression years and now lives alone, cheerfully throws out leftovers and makes herself a balanced meal, on china, eaten at a clean table with flowers.
If one of my more squeamish friends is present, I will regretfully dump the sandwich in the compost and make new peanut butter sandwiches. But I’ll probably be finishing kids’ sandwiches and juice until I’m too old and feeble to walk to the table. Not if they’ve been ill, though – sick kids in my house get their own plate, bowl, fork, spoon, cup until they’re feeling better, and I do throw out their leftover food!
You didn’t want to waste good juice. I’ve done it behind my nieces, nephews and cousins. It’s a habit not easily broken.
It could be that you’re just hungry because you were too busy making sure your kids weren’t late for school. But if you’re concerned about wasting food why not have tupperware bowls with your kids names on them so you can put breakfast leftovers into them from each plate. That’s assuming there are bacon and eggs days and not cereal days. There’s nothing worse than leftover oatmeal. Regarding the juice any of that that’s leftover from the morning can have saran wrap on the glass with the name of the kid who left it. Then put it back in the frige. After the person gets home they can pour the leftover juice into a new glass along with new juice and have a juice break after school. Most kids have a snack attack after school.
Maybe it’s because your a compulsive eater or you were taught as a child not to waste food?
Because we were raised not to “waste” food. Cleaning one’s plate was expected.
So, now we would rather “waist” it than waste it. I have finally conluded that I can’t get my leftovers to those “hungry children in China” that our Mothers used to tell us about. So it’s better to throw it away than overeat.
Another reason may be that you’re not able to justify taking the time to do something nice for yourself—like making your own delicious and nutritious breakfast. Try it, you might like it. It has a way of slowing you down a little and has a calming effect on the rest of your day.
Oh yes, wouldn’t hurt to have the children clear the table as part of the morning routine. That would take what, maybe a minute and a half or two?
Eww. Why do you drink my grape fruit juice? Now that I know, I am sure to put my dishes away. Even if it means being late for school.