As usual, summer is flying by. My daughter has returned from sleep-away camp, but my son has left on a road trip.
I am on the last few pages of “The Mermaid Chair” by Sue Monk Kidd. I am really enjoying it. I also liked her earlier book “The Secret Lives of Bees.”
What you are reading this summer? Let me know by posting a comment below.
Summer may be over, but I’d like to recommend a set of books to anyone who is tired of all the literature that includes sex, violence, and vulgar language. I’m speaking of the Mitford Series by Jan Karon. I started with At Home In Mitford, and have read all the paperback issues that are in print. It’s such a pleasure to have become such good friends with Father Tim, Cynthia, and all the rest of the residents of Mitford. It’s a wonderful read, and the series keeps you wanting to read more! They even publish a cookbook with recipes of all the yummy southern cooking the ladies (and some of the menfolk) do in the book! What a wonderful series. I’m on my second time through the books!
The books are about an Episcopal priest who has a parish in North Carolina (he’s from Mississippi, I believe). You’d think a story of a priest would be boring…but believe me, even without vulgar language, and sexual descriptions….it is packed with mysteries and dilemmas. I highly recommend it to everyone! :o)
Dear Barb,
I picked up by chance – from the local library – a collection of journalists’ speeches and essays entitled “Into The Buzzsaw”( edited by Kristina Borjesson). Quite frankly, one of the best non fiction novels I have read, ever! Highly reccommended for cutting edge(sic) insight into modern day issues.
I have read four books this summer. They are called, Small Steps, Vote for Larry, The gospil accorrding to Larry, and Behind the Curtain.
I just finished reading Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich. I have enjoyed all of her books. They are easy to read and make me laugh out loud.
My 10 year old grandaughter and I are reading “Island Of The Blue Dolphins” by Scott O’Dell–An interesting story of the life and times of a young Indian girl off the Santa Barbara Islands. (Near where we live.) We’re also reading Jules Vernes “Journey to the Center of The Earth”. It is a bit tedious for her , but she picked it out. I’m reading John Hagee’s “Jerusalem Countdown” while my husband and I are vacationing in Indiana. Sheri
The MemoryKeeper’s Daughter was excellent, and it has not really been advertised that much! Another good one is also Vanishing Act by Judy Piccoult.
After reading One Child by Torey Hayden I have commenced another book by the same author Just Another Child.
I was ubable to put One Child down – it was an amazing story of how Torey ‘tamed’ a little girl in her class.
Well worth reading.
I am reading MANHUNT for my book club. It is an historical novel describing the 12-day manhunt for John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated Pres. Lincoln. I am learning so many new facts/details about this time in history. I’m really enjoying it!
I enjoyed “1421, The Year the Chinese Discovered
Sharon Shinn’s books, barbara kingsolver’s books,
The Life of Pi, several books about Cape Cod, Margot Maron’s new book,anything else laying around the house
I’m reading “Talleyrand” a biography of the French diplomat by Duff Cooper, which was recommended by a friend. Talleyrand led an amazing life, swinging from the aristocracy into the priesthood, and then into revolutionary politics, exile, intrigue (both political and romantic), and became one of Napoleon’s most trusted advisors (big mistake on Napoleon’s part!) This had me gasping, and I’m pretty hard to shock. All this, and I’m only half-way through–I expect more surprises.
I read “Murder in the Adirondacks” which led to “An American Tragedy” and the film of the same name and the film “A Place in the Sun.” This is the 100 anniversary of this real-life murder in the Adirondacks.
As a dog-lover and dog-sitter, I thoroughly enjoyed “Marley and Me.”
Most memorable was “The Courtship of Julian and Frieda” by Krista Dunn; a beautiful love story of an Austrian girl and her Polish boyfriend separated in different concentration camps. They survived and live near me in upstate New York.
I am currently reading The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy(all 6 books). I’ve just started the frst one and I think it’s going in the right direction. I’m not on vacation right now. I live in India and our vacations are one month long-from mid-May to mid-June. And I was studying in the US for the past year, so I ended up getting no vacation at all. By the way, some people might not like being told the story of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in advance.
Along with my two granddaughters, we all checked out lots of books from the library and the girls participated in the Summer Reading program there.
Right now I am reading the SisterChicks books by Robin Jones Gunn. These books are awesome books about friendships. Here in AL school will be starting next week so there will be more books to read for school.
My summer list has been several Newbery Award winner or honor books. (So I know what my students are reading!) I read Sounder and Bridge to Terabithia (excellent) and I’m nearing the end of A Long Way from Chicago (Fun!)
By the way, I loved The Mermaid Chair – enjoy!
I’m reading on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.It’s very interesting.I can’t believe that Snape killed Dumbledore, I mean Dumbledore gave him the Defence Against the Dark Arts job.What more does he want?I hope J.K. Rowling finish writing the 7th book.I’m ready for more magic.
i m reading the diary of a young girl by anne frank
a really nice book and it is fun
every1 should read this book once in a lifetime
The Memory Keepers Daughter is a great read. I have also read sever John Grisham novels this summer and Could It Be Autism? I love to read and do not get time during the school year so I set a goal to read as many books in June, July and August.
I am reading a few books, which is a real switch for me. I am reading The Threshing Floor by Juanita Bynum, two devotional books Stream in the Desert by L.B. Cowman and The Believer’s Daily Renewal by Andrew Murray, both devotionals are considered Classic Devotionals and boy are they! Written in 1905 and 1925, totally awesome books for today! They are going right along with The Threshing Floor, which is a work of art in itself. It is a comparison of the Tabernacle of Moses to us being the temple. They are all three life changing books! They really make you think about your walk with God. The other book I just picked up that is easy to read and really neat is Your Boy Raising A Godly Son In An Ungodly World by Vicki Courtney. It has brought tears to my eyes and made me laugh too. My son is a a 9 yr old with a very high IQ and any insight into the world of boys is always helpful in my book!
Besides textbooks – I’m working on my Masters in ELL – I keep up on young adult fiction for my students. My daughter and I just finished Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli. It was a most unusual holocaust story for young adult readers.
Hi. I know what I have to say is not what you are looking for, but I have been reading and hearing a lot on the local news about people trying to obduct young children either in person while they are walking home or on the internet. This is shocking because it has been happening right here in my hometown and surrounding towns. These towns have always been quiet towns with no problems until the past few years.
What I would like to see in your column (if possible) are warnings for children and indications to parents what they should look for in their children’s behaviors. Children sometimes feel they are to blame and afraid to tell anyone if there is a problem.
I am not an educator nor a parent, but old enough to have grandchildren (which didn’t happen). I have had my own situations that left me feeling guilty for many, many years which has affected my every day life.
I’m reading the lord of the rings
I enjoy reading but I like to have more exitement
I’d be glad if you tell me some of the names of the books
“The Great Deluge” by Doug Brinkley, about Hurricane Katrina. I live in New Orleans and am making my way through everything that gets written about the storm…I find it therapeutic!
Summer is the time I read as many books as possible, once school starts our busy life doesn’t afford much reading time. That said here is my summer list so far: Life of Pi; Shanghi Diary; The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night; The Only Life That Mattered; Their Eyes Were Watching God;and Son of a Witch. They were all good reads, the three top were Shanghi Diary, The Only Life That Mattered and Son of a Witch.
I have begun reading the book Raising Cole by Max Lucado. It is an aspiring book about a father’s love for his son and how even through his death it still is strong. It is a must read book.
I’m reading Flight Lessons right now. Just finished Summer of the Roses, and Beach House. I read magazines as well.
I enjoyed reading The Big Stone Gap trilogy by Adriana Trigiani. I also enjoyed Babylon Sisters by Pearl Cleage, Which Brings Me to You by Steve Almond, and Lost and Found by Carolyn Parkhurst. So many books, so little time!
I usually read something ‘important’ to help my learning disabled child through the coming school year. But, my friend convinced me to read “Marley and Me,” since I am the proud owner of one pleasant, obedient, loving yellow lab and one unruly, bratty German Shorthair Pointer puppy! It has been an easy, amusing, touching read, ideal for summer!
I’m reading
The Memory Keepers Daughter – excellent
Angels & Demons – 2nd time through