This week I buzzed through my work like a busy spring bee, and released two sites that although not quite finished, are good enough to preview.
The first is Typing Games: Fun! with 40 typing games so far. I’d expect we’ll be adding 20 more next week.
The second falls in the “just for fun when your homework is over” category: Truck Games: Fun!
Because I am traveling next week (Austin, TX or bust!) I have already penned next week’s Surfnetkids topic. And it is a subject that got me really excited. I hope you’ll enjoy it too.
The title is “Bogus Websites” and it deals with the subject of evaluating Internet sites by showing five examples of sites that look really, really good, but are completely, well, bogus. Some are satire, some are hoaxes, and others were created specifically to teach Internet skills.
If you have a favorite kid-friendly satire or hoax site, I’d love to learn of it. You can submit your own mini-site review at Surfnetkids here.
We are interested in advertising on your site(s) – particularly the movie review related pages on, etc. We are a video editing service. We edit motion pictures (DVDs) which people mail to us – for profanity, sexual content and graphic violence. Many schools use our service. We think visitors to your site(s) would find our service very appealing.
If you would please get back to us at your earliest convenience, we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you very kindly,
Carl Reiff