Tomorrow, I am going downtown for jury duty. To keep me amused in the waiting room, I’ll have with me my iPod Touch, my laptop, and a hard cover book. Ha ha!!! No one ever accused me of traveling light! For those interested in what I’m reading and listening to at the moment, here’s the… [Continue]
Reading on a Kindle vs. an iPod Touch
Since getting my Kindle in August, I have become a fiction-reading machine! I am loving it. The odd part, that I didn’t really analyze, was that BEFORE the Kindle, I was reading mostly non-fiction. I never really thought about why I made the switch, but a friend of mine pointed out that he prefers fiction… [Continue]
Hedgehogs and CeeCee Honeycutt
Yikes! My Presidents’ Day topic at is being published AFTER Presidents’ Day! In an effort to get ahead of my work, I’ve been writing the weekly topics in advance. But obviously I goofed on the timing of this one. Reminds me of “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get!” Moving on … I… [Continue]