Blogging is all the rage now, isn’t it? This week I am researching journal writing for my Surfnetkids column. And although I haven’t decided how much of my column I will devote to blogging tools, here are six options for FREE hosted blogs: Blogger, Tongue Wag, Journal Space, Diaryland, Diary-X, and Xanga.
The next obvious question is: what do I use? Since I have my own web server, I do not use a hosted solution. Rather I use Movable Type to publish my blogs on my own server.
Hi Barbara! My free blogging tool is online now as well. Maybe we can share some experiences.
Best Regards
Hi Barbara! I can’t believe I didn’t know you were in San Diego too! I read your column on Saturday morning in the UT and am always looking for cool things to edutain my kids. Great to see all your different blog experiments…you most definitely rock!
I’ve been thinking of directing some of my blogging toward interpreting daily News and Current Events for children. Translating what the ‘big people’ are talking about to something that gets kids both informed and interested in News / Current Events. The vision is of two side-by-side blogs with an Adult / Kid version of the news. Then adults and kids could read the news together. Do you know of any existing resources like that?
Also, I just noticed that the link above in your comments section opens in the same, minimally functional browser window as the comments. I would suggest that you open links from a comments window into a new browser window that has all of the features (Back Buttons, etc.).
Do you like Jazz? I want to do something kid-wise with that also. Oops…back to my day gig.
My Blogging Tools column is now online at .