Although Surfnetkids usually shies away from tech topics, I just finished a Surfnetkids column on free blogging tools/hosts. It won’t be posted to my site for two weeks, but when it is, you can read it here.
For my next foray into tech with Surfnetkids, I will cover RSS readers. I’ll probably wait until fall or winter, as RSS is continuing to gather more steam.
Here’s a list of RSS readers being considered for my column:
1) NewsGator (I use it)
2) Newzcrawler (I tried the free trial, and opted to buy NewsGator)
3) Feed Demon (still in beta, but I already use two of the developer’s past products: HomeSite and TopStyle)
And, for those still wondering what RSS means, here are three introdcutory articles: RSS For Non-Techie Librarians, Introduction to RSS, and What is RSS?
I wondered the same thing as Diana, above, but I see that this online newsletter which was linked to the email, Surfnetkids Extra, clarifies the question. I thought I would HAVE to get RSS, but this newsletter says that it will now be available in all three formats. Other than that, the notice was clear, and as always, helpful.
Thanks for the information on RSS readers. Sounds promising and I intend to check it out.
Does this mean that you will only be able to get the newsletter if you have RSS or will I still be able to receive the newsletter as I am now?
It’s such a great source of information I would hate not to be able to access it.
Also try
I have been using it for weeks, which is longer that all the others I have tried.