As a few of you probably know, my flagship site began in 1996, back in the early days of the Internet. Over the years, I progressed from writing HTML code in a text editor, to writing HTML code in an HTML editor (my fav was Homesite), to using Movable Type as a content management system (aka a CMS).
Within the last few years, however, I began moving some sites (including this one) to WordPress, and now all my new sites are being created in WordPress.
The WordPress community is certainly one of the reasons why I moved, since so many talented people know and love WordPress, it is easy to find talent to hire, or to get answers to questions (for free) in online forums. So, last year when WordCamp (a community produced one-day WordPress love-a-thon) came to LA, I happily drove the 2.5 hours at the crack of dawn to get to the conference for the 8AM registration time. But — woo hoo — this year WordCamp was coming to San Diego! I eagerly put it on my calendar, and then forgot about it. I forgot about it until about 2 weeks ago, when I realized that ALL THE TICKETS were sold out! Boo hoo!
Fast forward to last week, when local WordPress/Web Design company BinaryM held a contest giving away a few tickets. To enter, I needed to write a creative entry (20 words or less) about why I loved WordPress. And, guess what? I won! They picked my poem! I felt like I won an Oscar or a Pulizter! Ha ha ha!
So, without further ado, here is my twenty-word poem. (Okay … it’s a little geeky, but the prize was a Geek fest … so ….)
My sites began on MovableType.
I thought WordPress was all hype.
But at 2010 WordCamp LA,
I grokked WordPress. Hooray!
Hi Barbara, just stopped by to let you know I look forward to the newsletter from surfnetkids.. I am always delighted to find new and excellent content. I used to be a pre-school teacher, and now I am just a Gramma.
Thank you so very much for being you. I appreciate you and all the greatness you supply for the subscribers to your excellent newsletter, “surfnetkids”
Your friend,
Donna Marie
Congratulations! If I were you, I’d be super excited, too.
congratulation Nice poem
Wow, Debi. As much as I enjoyed WordCamp, I would have much preferred a KITCHEN!
Barbara – I love it! I will often enter contests if there is writing involved just for fun. A couple of years ago I entered a writing contest for our local Jazz radio station. It was to be based on why I wanted to “Jazz Up My Kitchen.” I wrote a Dr. Seuss style poem and WON a new kitchen. It is, by far, the best prize I’ve ever won – other than the love of my husband 😉 You can find my poem on my FB notes, if you’re interested! Thanks for sharing your “geeky” poem. I’m glad you wrote it or I wouldn’t have met you!