Like the straw that broke the camel’s back, it is often the little things that get to us. In my case, it was a tube of sunscreen. Here’s the story.
Over spring break, I took my daugher and two nieces for a two-day visit to Disneyland and California Adventures. I gladly paid the $49 entrance fee for each of us. I gladly paid $39 for pizza lunch for four. I gladly paid $2.50 for water whenever we got thirsty. But when they wanted $10 for a teeny, weeny bottle of sunscreen, I gladly burned instead. In retrospect, it wasn’t necessarily a healthy decision, but it was where I drew the line.
The girls, by the way, had put their sunscreen on in the car, so they were not at risk. In fact, I’m quite sure if it had been for the girls, I would have bought that tiny tube of $10 sunscreen. But at some point, I just needed to dig my heels in. My shoulders and the back of my neck are burned.
How was your spring break?
Spring break was spent in Bali with our family making the trek there from Japan and yes we needed sunscreen. That close to the Equator and you can really burn without trying. The people there are still recovering but they have a hearty spirit and have learned to do a lot with a little. It was a great place to pull our family together for a break. Have a great year.
How was my spring break to be honest it was to short. I did spring cleaning.
Hello there,
For our spring break we took our son, my sister and her son camping in China Camp State Park. We left on Friday and was gone until Monday, having us out there over Easter. Now I am a Pagan, so the Easter Holiday does not mean to me what it does to many others, but to the two boys it ment easter eggs and easter baskets. We did boil the eggs and decorate them at our campsite, and the boys did hunt them the next morning in the little wooded area next to our campsite. As they were hunting a jack rabbit ran past them and the boys swear it was you know who…
Over all it was a great trip, the boys got to run off their energy in the great outdoors, they had wildlife lessons and history lessons at the old china camp village and most importantly we had a whole lot of fun as a family.
Pamela Castro