You might recall me mentioning that my brother and I put Mom in an Alzheimer’s facility a year ago. She’s doing well. She loves her new home (isn’t that great and somewhat amazing?) and is still fairly high-functioning. But the disease is progressing, and over the year she’s lost a number of skills, such as using a calendar, and her short term (2 or 3 minute) memory is even worse than it was last year.
Over the years I often toyed with the idea of writing about my vivacious Mom and our difficult relationship. As I collected her things from her home, an idea struck me. Why not approach our relationship from a completely different angle. I should blog about her costume jewelry!
Mom’s a fashionista and a jewelry maniac. She had a passion for collecting bold jewelry from around the globe and around the corner. When I mentioned my idea to my sister-in-law, she instantly loved it. And so, we’ve started this adventure together. She’s a professional photographer, and I’m a professional blogger. Together we are going on a one-year journey through my mother’s jewelry box. You can join us at
Here a few things you should look for when you get there:
1) Sign up for our newsletter so you’ll get a weekly update.
2) Submit a personal story about your mom’s jewelry (come on girlfriends, you know you have a memory or two about your mom’s jewels!)
3) Peruse the Photo Gallery for pix of me, Mom, and the bling.
4) Read the About page to learn more.
5) Please leave comments either there or here. I want feedback!