Dear Barbara
I have been searching for a site that reviews the pre-teen music scene. Currently, my daughter, age 8, is allowed to listen to Radion Disney and that is about it. Do you know of any sites that have this?
Thanks, Tracy
Dear Tracy,
I know of sites that do movie reviews for parents, but none that do music reviews.
Perhaps my readers can help. Anyone out there know of a site that does music reviews for parents of kids and teens?
Common Sense Media has music reviews for kids in the age range from 2 to 17. An excellent site.
Try Plugged In Online. They have a library of reviews for most popular artists.
I was also looking for a good site that may have reviewed albums like the movies are reviewed. I found one but very few albums have been reviewed and it looks like they have stopped to focus on movies and games.
Looks like a internet need, could be a money maker if you got the time!
HMMMMM! This is something that I’ve really wanted to do. I’m a musician, music fan, and am really apalled at how this side of things has been so ignored. OK maybe a little strong, but we should be at least if not more concerned about what our kids hear as what they see.
There are sites where lots of folks talk about when shows or movies should or shouldn’t be on tv but very little press on how graphic the music is. There seems to be less restrictions on the radio airwaves than on video.
I’ve tried to get some of the movie sites to do it but no one has seemed all that interested or concerned.
It’s also much harder to regulate what your kids listen to unless you are constantly looking through what they get from their friends etc.
I guess I should put my brain on it myself. Not sure where or how to start though. It’s something that should be done.