This has been such a great week. My daughter is home from college for spring break, and brought three college friends with her. Unfortunately, Mother Nature didn’t hold up her end of the Sunny Southern California bargain, because instead of sunshine and beach weather, she gave us rain and hail. Not exactly what these east coast girls were looking for, but I still am having a great time with them around.
Despite this wonderful distraction, I was still able to get a little work done on some of my new sites. The newest one, Math Games: Fun!, is almost, almost done, but has a feature I wanted to let you know about today: a Math Worksheet Generator that creates both interactive quizzes (with one-click scoring) and printable math worksheets.
Could you go and take a look, and do me the favor of feedback and comments?
If you want to reply in private, go ahead and respond at ReplyToBarbara , otherwise, just post your comment here. Thanks!!
Lovely worksheet generator. Nice and easy-to-use. Since you were asking for feedback how about putting a refresh/ more questions button instead of having to refresh the browser..I suppose it’s not that big an effort to use the browser but I think a button would handy.
I love this site! Thanks so much for working hard on finding great websites. You have saved me hours of work!
Thank you, Renee!!!! I am blushing 🙂
What a wonderful tool. My daughter would love this. She still enjoys math problems and their solutions. And you can tailor the worksheet to the level of the student.
Great Work.