As you might know, I make most of my living from the advertising that appears on my websites. Most people, however, may never have enough traffic to their personal sites to make any significant income this way.
Today that’s about to change! I just discovered a way to earn money from online advertisers, without having a high-traffic site. Here’s how:
I just signed up to be part of Agloco, an Internet economic network launched a few days ago. Basically, Agloco gives its members part of the money they generate from online ads. Their slogan is “Get Your Share of the Internet.”
Agloco membership is free. Among the founders are Stanford students and the couple who launched AllAdvantage in 1999, which had millions of members and paid out over $100 million.
Best of all, there is nothing to lose, because all you do is sign up for free, invite friends to join you, and use the Internet normally with a small toolbar installed. As of today, the toolbar is still in beta test, but if you sign up now, you will be ready to roll when the Agloco toolbar is ready to download.
So, click on this link and sign up today. This link will automatically give me credit when you sign up
I’d be curious to read an update on this since it’s been close to a year. If you’ve posted one, I didn’t find it.
Thanks 🙂