My daughter’s been bit by the eBay bug again, and is selling some
Anyone else have preteens/teens selling things on eBay?
I’m considering writing a “how to” guide for teens wanting to run their own eBay business.* What do you think? Click on COMMENTS to let me know your thoughts.
*SMALL PRINT: Per the eBay User Agreement, minors can only use eBay in conjunction with their parents. So, when I say “teens” I’m really referring to teens AND their parents.
[Update 10/03/2010] P.S. I never did write that book, but here’s one about becoming an eBay power seller that you might find helpful.
I think it’s a great idea. I’m 14, and I’d really really like to become a member of Ebay, but I’m not allowed to because I’m not old enough yet ):
my mum says no. the reason is because i tried to sell her 56″ television on ebay.
my dauhters at primary school and she goes on ebay
kids are not allowed to sell or buy on ebay read ebay policy contracts dont hold in court with minors the idea of kids having thier own is not bad just might be hard to do legaly
I have seen there is a new website it is like an ebay for kids.,and they are running a pre-launch competition where you have the chance to win some fantastic prizes.It is called SupaSwap check it out at are giving away a Apple Air Lap top and a trip to Disney World.
vist site for the ekidz ebay for kids ๐ i finally put the site up so site is
hey im making a site for kidz to sell stuff on so contact me at and ask for link and u will get it so hurry
i’m a teen and i made a account but its “my moms” she does not know how to do ebay and she has no patience for it lol but i don’t wanna get in trouble because of ebay so great idea do it!! : D
YES! please do. that would soooo help. like i have so many cell phones that i want t osell, and i am a teen who needs to get rid of them and make some money. so this would really help me, as well as alot of other teens out there ๐
I am a teen and contantly sell on eBay. I think that a book on how to sell on eBay would be very useful and has a chance of being very popular.
i want to sell stuff like things i don’t want or use anymore with my moms supervision and she says no! i get so mad i am a preteen
i cant belive it this is the coolest site
Swapitshop isn’t very good as they don’t have as many things as Ebay. Anyway, i would sign up to E-kids any day.
yeah great idea. a FAB website that is like kids ebay is
you put your own stuff up and people bid for it with points. it’s great!!!
Yes, that is a great idea! it might make things easier for the parents and us teens. =)
Hi I am GOing to do i am going to make a site for kidz and name is E-Kidz so i am still on proess cause i hate they never let younger ppl buythings buy now there is E-Kidz Were You Can Buythings With out credit cards only using cash or check when you register they dont ask you for cedit card so i am going to make it to contact me use my email at LILD_DAOUD@YAHOO.COM if you want to help contact me so bye and Have Fun On
I would love to have an e-bay for kids it would be so much ezer then the bargin hunter plzplzplz someone make an e-bay for kids and call it plzplzplz
check out my moms stuf on ebay
i think that having an ebay site that kids can buy from and sell is a fantastic opportunity because that way kids can learn the experience having dealing with business and know how to handle money sensibly. It will also give opportunity for kids who aren’t rich and could by cheaper things with the benefit of this kids site.
I would really like a ebay for kids because i have a LOT of stuff i dont want anymore and get money from it by selling it because everybody except for me is making money in my family so i just hope someone will make it
I think this is a great idea!
there is a kind-of ebay for kids,
but it may only be for peple from the uk…
Please make an ebay for kids we want to make some money. i have an idea like kids have walmart cards right they can buy and sell stuff without a credit card they can use their wal mart card please please please the website can be called it can be for 12 -16 yeah thats good cause we cant get credit cards or we can just send the money in cash to their house pleasepl ease ill try and make the web site but uhhhhhhh i need help ill come back to this website if i did it im only 12 and my brother is 13 so we can sell on e-kids
OMG!! Love the stuff not old enough look on it with my mom
I hate y’all 4 not postin me comment in my country we would say you ***** and y’all also suck *** thank ya boom shakalaka y’all
I love Ashley Tisdale!!!!!!!#1 fan
bye y’all
OMG!! Love the stuff not old enough look on it with my mom
bye y’all
hi i like ebay can see your stuff now
That would be AWESOME
I am 16 years old an I’ve been selling on ebay since I was 13, I have a well known ebay store in the sports card world, and I am a powerseller!! I too eventually was thinking of writing a book from my experiences and showing kids/teens how to make some money by dooing very little. Check out My ebay store:
My parents won’t let me on ebay without them plz help by making an ebay for kids
I’m 15 and just sold some junk in my wardrobe. It went pretty well and was interested in selling more but didn’t know what and how to get more customers.
i want to sellstuff on ebay but mum and dad wont let me because i am under aged. i am begging you, make an ebay for kids
And i would love that book!!! Can I buy it?
I would love an ebay for kids!!!
Hi There,
I have started writing a book on How to sell on eBay for Teens. I have been selling on eBay for a month and a half now and have made a hefty $987 through dropshipping. I am 14 but my parents let me sell under their name. I am pricing it at $29.95 as an e-book. Would anyone be interested in purchasing it when I release it?
Bye for now,
Logan Edwards
Try it is an ebay for kids!!!!! Instead of usong money you collect swapits that you find online or in magazines even sometimes in packaging gor pens or stationary. Your adress stays safe as when a bid is won you send it to the swapitshop factory so they can check you are sending what you said you would and then they send it onto the winner. It’s fab!!
I think its a great idea. I’m only 13 but the stuff on ebay are really cheap and i’ve been waiting for my 18th birthday since last year
Hi Barbara. First, awesome site for help on e-publishing which is how I found you. Me & my 13 yr old daughter and 15 year old son are in the process of writing 2 books. One is making a living on ebay for teens. I was inspired because I have a successful home biz that got jump started on ebay10 years ago. The whole family has always had to help out.
Well at 14(legal age to work here in FL) My son put in to go work at the grocery store.
I told him & his sister that before they went out there & were slaves to someone else’s dollar, they would attempt their own biz’s and I’d taught them enough already to succeed. We do need help locating any info about kids doing it and is there anyway they can have paypal, cc processing in my 15 year olds? It’s really messin with my taxes because it’s all through me, but it’s their money that they set back for college etc.
Anyway, wrote too much already but we are writing it and reasercging for easier trick tips etc & me & my daughter are already professional published writers so hopefully we do this justice.
You can email me @
if you lie about ur age on ebay, how can they find you out???
i would love an ebay for kids
plz answer my question!
I think it would be great for such a tutorial. My ten year old has a knack for learning and being able to explain in great detail on the breaking down of video games.
We have agreed for him to start selling e-books, written by him, on ebay through my store.
i started a site. its not the greatest and i am definately waiting for a more professional one. but for now please check out my site:
You can’t be serious?!?
Hi, I’m a kid and I would Really love it if there was a E-bay for kids
Hi, I’m a kid and I would Really love it if there was a E-bay for kids
i would love it if there was an ebay for kids with a younger age limit becuase the only way kids can buy stuff is at amazon and thats in america, and im sure most of the parents aren’t to keen on their kids buying stuff from overseas let alone online. But us kids can try n make our own site try u can create ure own website and change the name and all other stuff, to the creator of ebay and ebay australia plz for the sake of parents and kids plz make a kids ebay, specifically 4 kids!!
My mom won’t let me buy anything from ebay,kids should have there own site to buy and sell items.
I am a kid and my mom sell’s Ebay and i would really like to do it.So please someone out there make a Ebay for kids please!!Inform me when you guys get ebay for kids.
Very quiet in this thread lately. More comments please.
I think kids should be able to sell stuff on ebay so that they can make money that there parents won’t give them.And also because it will teach them reasponse – abilty.
My teenage son has learned the hard way about border taxes, agent fees, etc. which almost doubled one of his purchases.
I’m sure that he (and the rest of us) could use some advice on how to maximize profits.
BTW, I recently ordered EBAY for Dummies, and am waiting for delivery. I hope you are not reinventing the wheel…
My nephew, aged 10 is already using Ebay to turn unwanted toys into cash to buy new toys. He hands them to me, and lets me do the rest. He recently told me to sell two games for his gameboy. They came in at DOUBLE the price I set!
There is most definately a need for your book!
The guide is probably a good idea…but I don’t have any kids, so I’m just basing it on my own assumptions.
My only worry is that the parents don’t watch what the kids are buying/selling. It has caused me many problems with children (under 18) buying my goods and never paying. That happens with those over 18 too, but not as often in my experience.
And Chris, yes you’re the ONLY person who has never bought or sold anything on eBay! ๐
I think it would be a great idea! Why, I would probably learn a thing or two. Please write it and tell us how to get it. My son is great at selling and this would be a good opportunity for him to sharpen his skills.
I would love to see a book like that. 2 of my step kids are 11 and 9 and they love eBay but don’t quite grasp the whole concept of it. I think it would be a get learning tool and help the kids start their own business. The internet is the way of our and their furtures.
Yes, yes, yes! My kids are wanting to put a card table by the road (we are rural) and sell their artwork, pokemon cards, comic books and so forth. I keep saying no, it wouldn’t work and one of these days we should try to sell on e-bay. But, I’m not an experienced e-bay seller, so my advice is not worth much to them.
I would really like a how-to guide for my son!!!
Great idea. We bought the kids computers on ebay but never sold anything. The kids have plenty of stuff that they have outgrown that could be sold that way.
I’d love to see such a guide…I think this would be a great family business for us, would be easier and more profitable than babysitting and would encourage my kids to hone their computer skills and gain entrepreneurial skills. Please write the guide!
I really like this idea of a book for teens or preteens. It would be a big hit with my family. My kids do not sell on ebay yet, but have been asking to.
Am I the only person on Earth who has never used eBay to buy or sell something?