When and how do you decide if a book is worth finishing or not? I’m in the middle of “Life of Pi” and it hasn’t really engaged me, but since it was so highly recommended, I keep on reading, determined to finish it.
Actually I’m not reading at all, but listening. I bought it from Audible, and I am listening while exercising. Maybe it’s not the book that doesn’t interest me, but rather the exercising!
Stick with it, Barbara. I found the ending quite thought provoking (and quite unexpected).
If a book is written well, it desearves more than one chance. Try to get through a few more chapters before you give up. You never know what you may learn!
I thought Life of Pi was awesome, but I like mysterious and outlandish tales. People who like straightforward, realistic stories about everyday events that don’t require any suspension of reality would probably not like Pi.