My newest project is the addition of printable quizzes (worksheets?) to our Surfnetkids Printables Club membership area. Would you like a free peek? I’d be happy to give you a glimpse, in exchange for your feedback.
Here is my question for you.
Is “worksheet” or “quiz” or “webquest” the best way to describe this printable handout?
Lewis and Clark Printable Quiz (or Worksheet or Webquest or ??) and Answer Key
Please let me know what you think by posting your answers here.
P.S. Since you’ve been so kind, here is a link to all of this week’s Louisiana Purchase printables (usually reserved for members only.)
Louisiana Purchase Printable
Louisiana Purchase Wikipedia Printable
Louisiana Purchase Printable Word Search and Answer Key
P.P.S. Want more of a look? You can get a 10-day Surfnetkids Printables Club trial here.
I think it would be a worksheet or study guide for a test. It’s really cool. I’m 46 am am going to do the work sheet to refresh my memory.
Thanks GinnyForestal Mother of 6
It’s an interesting quiz after a search for facts. It is not a webquest, but more like a scavenger hunt. To be a webquest, it would need to be more involved with essential questions, roles, and an end product that involves some new synthesized learning by the students. This does not call for new learning. Perhaps this could be an intro to a webquest, giving students some background knowledge.
What a wonderful resource! The name would depend on how the teacher adapts and uses it. Thanks for all of the excellent materials you provide for teachers and students, it is much appreciated.
I agree that it can be a worksheet or a quiz, depending on how and when the teacher decides to use it.
Thanks for sharing the quiz. These will definitely help the children to search for and learn more about the topic. Thanks.
I would call it a research guide or worksheet since it is a “search for facts”. It could easily become a webquest by using it as is and then adding one or more critical thinking questions or an assignment to create a product for students to publish with their findings (news article, brochure, slideshow, etc.). Great resources on your website.
I think it is a quiz rather than a webquest.
It does lack the skill of having students draw conclusions or to express their opinions. Students are often lacking in these skills. This is shown often in their lack of ablility to write complete sentences and paragraphs.
I think it could be used as all three depending on the teacher. Good job!
Because your “quiz” focused mostly on rote memory details, it would make a great tool to check students’ thoroughness of pre-assigned reading (on the web, in books, in handouts – whatever). So I guess you could call it a quiz in that sense. However, especially for a topic quiz in 5th to 6th grade, I would hope that questions would be more “thinking” questions and focus on applying the facts to the situation (cause and effect, what might have happened differently, etc.)
I think for it to be a webquest, you would have the specific website where the student would find the answer for the question, instead of a group of websites for the whole assignment.
I wouldn’t call it a quiz. It could be termed an activity or assignment.
I agree that it can be used however one wants. It can be a quick quiz, a webquest (with some sites included), or a worksheet of sorts.
Great resource – why not go the whole hog and have a flash quiz version that could be open in another tab. This would then allow students to do the webquiz on one page and enter their answers on another tab to be marked and feedback given in terms of how they’ve done.
I would call this a quiz because you give the multiple choice answers for the students to choose from. If there were no answers and the children had to find the information themselves, it would be more of a research piece, whether by Internet or through books.
Hi my beloved Mum ithank you for this witty project to me its aquiz that can be used as a webquest .I hope we Kenyan teachers we will find it very helpful.I invite you tovisit us here in Kenya .I will be your Host Ilove and i appreciate your great work.May God bless you.Are you going to visit Kenya? I gladly invite you.thank you.
I like the webquiz or just quiz. A webquest is set up to use specific websites for its answers. This could be used with a variety of media resources and not limited to just internet.
I think it could be used for all three. It could be used for research, It could be used for children who need to see what their comprehension of the materials that they are using is. And it could be used as a quiz for when they are finished with that part of the study. Whatever you call it to me it is wonderful materials.
I think its all the above and could be used as a book-quest … the internet is a great tool but too much use doesn’t help the kids find things out from books – I feel that too much emphasis is put on the internet as an ‘instead of’ or ‘only’ rather than ‘including’ tool for research!
I agree with whoever said “webquiz”, as it’s a bit of a quiz and a quest!
It would be a great intro to a subject lesson. Giving the students the opportunity to research answers, peaks their interest, and expands their knowledge. A great webquest activity for 4-5th graders.
I think it is a worksheet for using with approved websites. I thought it would be a great quiz until the end where there was a place for different web sites. I think it is a great chance for the students to do research online, this shows them that it is there to be used for something besides music and emails.
I agree with Sue Watson. Thanks.
I agree it could be used for all three depending upon the need. If you had access to computers for a web quest it could be that. If you needed a worksheet or homework if students had access to internet at home it could be that. Or if you took the students to the lab, they could take notes and come back to class to take a test.
I would call it a webquest…or for those who think a webquest should have a finished product, you might call it a webquiz! I agree with others who have said that it can be used however the teacher sees fit with their class. I wanted to use it with my students in computer lab, but cannot if it still requires a password.
Quiz. More suitable for younger children if covering that material.
Quiz. More suitable for younger children if covering that material.
It seems like a quiz to me!
I must of missed something becuase I did not know this was for 5th-6th graders. I gave this quiz to my 2nd grade daughter and she loved it. As for your question quiz, worksheet etc. I think it is up to the individual person utilizing this tool. Depending on how they use it, it could be all three actually. As for myself we used it as a webquest. ๐ Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this and use it. We truly enjoyed it.
I believe that you can call it what ever you want.
Individual teachers will use it as they see fit. I see it as a webquest that can be used before a lesson to hook students’ interest and as a quiz to check comprehension after the lesson. Again call it what you may, the teacher will decide when and how to use it. By the way, great document!!!
Thank you for letting us look at the premium content.
I think that you have created a tool that can be a worksheet or a quiz, depending on how the teacher chooses to focus on it and/or at what time during instruction it is used. I would use it as a worksheet, allowing students time to research the questions and comment on them in groups.
Very nice document. I agree with many of the respondants. I would call it a quiz that could be used as a webquest. Including the weblink helps the students to organize their thoughts and research the topic. I think that it is what you do AFTER using the document that will determine whether it is a webquest or a quiz. If the assignment includes taking the information you learned and preparing a summary or other report, it becomes a webquest. If it is simply graded, it is a quiz.
Very nice document. I agree with many of the respondants. I would call it a quiz that could be used as a webquest. Including the weblink helps the students to organize their thoughts and research the topic. I think that it is what you do AFTER using the document that will determine whether it is a webquest or a quiz. If the assignment includes taking the information you learned and preparing a summary or other report, it becomes a webquest. If it is simply graded, it is a quiz.
its a quiz!!!!!!!!!!!11
I would say either a quiz or a worksheet, depending on when it was used. If used after teaching the lesson, then a quiz. If used while teaching the lesson, then a worksheet.
I vote for a quiz or scavenger hunt. To me a webquest would ask the students to produce an authentic product.
Nice worksheet or quiz.
It’s a quiz.
I vote for web quest. Thanks for sharing.
It’s a quiz—if used after teaching the lesson;
Or use as a WebQuest (probably adding a few more probing questions) to introduce the subject and have the students go on a research quest.
I’d say this is a good quest for a Substitute to administer.
It’s more of a worksheet to me.
I think this can be used as a great tool for teaching the skill of research. Mostly topics are given as projects in the form of an instruct regarding information to include and the tactics to gain this information left to the students to learn by trial and error. Thanks
It’s more of a worksheet to me.
I would definitely call it a quiz. Thanks!
Thanks for letting me take a look. It seems to me that webquest would catagorize it well. The reason I say that is because of the internet use to complete it. Is there, however, a way to put it under more than one catagory? It could certainly be used as an activity or quiz as well.
Thank you for keeping me informed. I’ve been quite busy recently and didn’t answer promptly.
Thank you very much for the stuff for my school. As far as your question concerned, the best way to describe your printable handout is “quiz”
My pupils are extremely interested in all this. keep on sending me material like this.I’s be glad to receive it.
Helen Detoraki – Hatzilia
I would say it is a good anticipation activity to let you know the background knowledge of your studnets before you begin a unit on Lewis and CLark.
Thank you for letting us preview your quiz/whatever…? ๐ As a homeschooling parent, I agree that inquiry-based learning is the best motivational tool we have as educators. I have found, though, that simply calling something a “quiz” attaches a certain stigma to an activity that the students otherwise would enjoy. We have created similar worksheets for ourselves on other topics and, instead, called them “information scavenger hunts.” It is amazing how the kids respond when the challenge sounds fun! You have done a great job with the Lewis & Clark topic! Keep it fun, and the kids will love these “whatevers” ๐
I would call it a quiz unless it was used as a learning activity by having the students use the included website to find the answers. I would change a few of the questions because the answers are given in later questions (who they picked up, which president) however.
First of all, thank you for your website. My son and I have been enjoying it, and it has come in very handy. As for the Lewis & Clark printable, I’d definitely call it a quiz, but a particularly appealing one. Good work.
Oops! Links are all fixed now. Thanks for pointing that out.
I like it. Ithink it’s a great idea.
This is a great quiz..Inquiry-based learning is the only way to go!
I am curious, though, why the links you said you would let us peek at ( usually for members only) still require a member password?
I will call it a quiz, it is very good tool to give to students. For some it is a starting point, for some the finishing line. It is a need for it. Thanks.
I think it is a great webquest tool. It gives the kids the opportunity to use the web to research Lewis and Clark and their adventure.
I think this would be a great PRE-Reading quiz to peak their interest and create a hook. Thank you for putting it together.
For the fifth-sixth grade students this quiz would be given to, it is way too simplistic. These students use the International Baccalaureate curriculum in our low income, poverty stricken area, and practice inquiry based learning, where they do search out their own info, which they apply to the six or more projects they do per year. Thanks anyway.
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