Dear Barbara-
I hope you might have an answer to my ? I am a computer lab teacher looking for an appropriate homepage for the lab computers. (K-8 Lab.) I have used Yahooligans — but it has gotten too commercial — also AOL kids — too many ads! Do you have any ideas? I would appreciate your input.
Thanks very much,
Pat Utschig
Dear Pat,
How about the Google personalized homepage iGoogle? You can customize iGoogle with with fun themes, add content such as “Word of the Day,” and RSS feeds from your favorite sites (including and
Surfnetkids offers a lot of free web content widgets (such as “Quote of the Day” and “Did You Know? Factoid”) that can be easily added to your Google homepage. You’ll find the Surfnetkids Free Web Content listed in the Google Homepage Content Directory by searching for “surfnetkids”. Follow the simple instructions to add them to your home page.
Here is a screenshot of what my personalized Google Homepage looks like with one of their fun themes and a couple of the Surfnetkids content widgets.
I am Sharif Pirzada From Dhaka Bangladesh.
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