Chatting with my business coach today, lamenting for the umpteenth time about how difficult it is for me to deal with all the paper than comes across my desk, she asked me for an action item. And since it seems to help to do a little bit every day, and not have to deal with an entire day of paperwork, I pledged to handle just five items a day from my inbox or my on top of my desk or wherever those pesky buggers are hiding.
Just five a day. Do you remember that campaign? It was from the CDC encouraging us to eat five fruits or vegetables a day. Dole ran with it, and created a kid site titled “Dole 5 a Day.” Well, apparently five a day is not enough, because now the CDC has changed its tune to Fruits & Vegetables Matter.
Anyway, I just did my five (was probably more like six or seven) and I feel light as a butterfly. A good way to end the work day. Ta dah!!
Barbara – I’m a professional organizer. I can certainly help you with that Paper if you need direction and motivation. Email me back! – Cena