I first learned of Donors Choose in 2007 when Google sent me a Donors Choose gift card as a holiday present. Back in those days, Google sent cool, techie holiday gifts to their best Adsense publishers. If they are still doing it, they have dropped me from their cool kids club. ๐
Anyway, in 2007, after several years of widgety gifts, Google changed course a bit by giving us a gift certificate that we could spend on others. Here’s how it works. Teachers from across the country submit projects that they need funded. Then donors choose projects to fund. For any project you can give a portion of the funds requested, or you can fund the entire project. Donors (that meet certain minimum criteria) receive heart-warming letters from the students themselves, and you will walk a little lighter knowing you’ve done good!
Here’s where you can give the Donors Choose gift card (the perfect gift for that special someone who has everything?) and here’s where you can sign up to fund a project yourself.
Anyone interested in helping to fund my classroom project? http://www.donorschoose.org/bkenaston
If you don’t want to use the card give it to someone who can use 100 dollars in merchandise. Anyone can use the card.
Thank you so much for your support of Donors Choose! Happy Holidays!