I didn’t even realize that the second Monday in January was “Clean Off Your Desk Day,” but I did it anyway. I suppose it was the whole New Year thing that got me started. It wasn’t QUITE a resolution, it just came over me like tornado.
Anyway, I’m reading “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen, and I signed up for Marcia Gracia’s Get Organized Now newsletter. Marcia’s stuff was recommended by my buddy Leo Quinn, who wrote “Own Your Paycheck Again.”
On to another New Year topic: debt reduction. Leo and I are talking about conducting a teleseminar interview where I can ask the many questions my readers have posed about his debt-reduction program. I will be announcing more details soon, but if you have questions you’d like me to ask him, you can submit them here.
http://www.cleanoffyourdeskday.com is for sale!