Last Wednesday a crew of three painters invaded our home. I thought they’d paint room by room, leaving us some space to live and sleep while they worked, but I was wrong. The very first morning they moved all our furniture into the middle of each room, and piled everything else on top of our beds.
All week the kids have been sleeping on the floors, while my husband and I moved things around each night in order to sleep on a mattress. The dogs and cats have been locked in various rooms (MEOW MEOW MEOW) so they wouldn’t accidentally brush against the wet paint.
We lived without sofas, chairs, television, and computers (YIKES!) The very first night I started a novel, and then placed it in a very special place so I’d be able to find it during the chaos. The next night I couldn’t remember where that “very special place” was!
Yesterday the painters finished. I found my lost novel and I am now the proud owner of several red walls, a purple wall, a green bathroom, and a purple bedroom for my daughter. I am happy. I love my new colors.
Sara Ann Doro says
Dear Barbara;
Go For It! I think this is wonderful idea to write an e-book telling kids how to sell on E-Bay.
I could use it myself on my site which caters to kids up to fourteen years old to promote thier growth and developement. I know, just off hand, a number of children who are very internet saavy and would be excited about the opportunity to learn how to make money on E-Bay. I have contact with a few Web-sites that would also be interested in featuring a product like that.
Sara Ann Doro
Goosey Lucy Gifts
Susan says
Great! I’ve just redone my house in colors!I love ’em ,too.Am now having new floors and windows put in.AGGGGGGGG